Leolaia. Her synesthesia gave her a fantastic ability to memorize, research and write scholarly articles.
She is missed by those who knew her.
once upon a time i started a thread who is your favorite thinker and got many responses.
however revisiting that thread i noted we were to modest to name ourselves or fellow posters.
i therefore think we are either complete idiots, or modesty aside we should now name names, and restrict our answers to posters on the board.. so who on this board is your favorite thinker and why?.
Leolaia. Her synesthesia gave her a fantastic ability to memorize, research and write scholarly articles.
She is missed by those who knew her.
i have been thinking about this phrase lately "new heavens & new earth".
the new earth piece i guess i can see that one...... (still not really sure about that one) .
but why the need for "new heavens"?
I think the JW response is that the new heavens refers to the actual atmosphere of the earth. It would be new if the pre-flood atmosphere were to return.
my story in a nutshell... .
scientist for a father; extremely mentally ill, 'annointed' mother.
was privy to and also suffered a lot of abuse.
Your father was a scientist? Literally? Tell us more about him!
i was born in 1970. .
growing up, i was raised by a man i proudly call father.
he showed me he loved me.
Thank you for sharing that. Is your pseudo-father a JW?
lately i've been feeling just so fed up with this stupid religion i really can't take it anymore!
i'm starting to think that maybe i should just tell my parents how i really feel.
if they treat me too badly or kick me out i could probably stay with my non jw aunt.. ive just reached my breaking point, i don't really care what people think of me anymore.
Stuckinarut and others, BlackWolf is homeschooled by her parents.
lately i've been feeling just so fed up with this stupid religion i really can't take it anymore!
i'm starting to think that maybe i should just tell my parents how i really feel.
if they treat me too badly or kick me out i could probably stay with my non jw aunt.. ive just reached my breaking point, i don't really care what people think of me anymore.
What Faye said about developing a relationship with your aunt. Maybe she can take you in after you turn 18. Just enough to get your bearings straight and not make any major mistakes.
i'm wondering why believers remain members of this forum which is clearly hostile to believers.
as one member said, nonbelievers pounce on any semblance of belief like piranhas on prey.
as former jws we should have had our fill of judgmental know-it-alls, but here we are.
Believer, I've been out of the Jws, physically and mentally, for 35 years but I still drop in for two reasons.
First, to keep up with what they're doing. I should not really care but I live in an apartment complex of over 100 units virtually all of them JWs (and many df'd and inactive ones).
Second, this is an excellent forum for discussion on non-JW social/political issues.
As an atheist I do see that there is no respect by some and threads started by believers get hijacked. I have seen threads posted with the title asking that only believers participate but that doesn't keep the critics away.
Maybe Simon can create a special sub forum for believers only or moderators can enforce certain rules. That might attract more members like you to this site.
no early warnings or anything, just gone!
anyone else notice or are members there?
any info would be nice.
in catholic dominated countries many people are named after the messiah jesus , are their any that are named after his god jehovah / or yahweh ?
anywhere in the world ?.
i have only come across one , in america of all places.. his name was yahweh ben yahweh , and i don`t think he would be used as an example by the wt society.. google him.. has their been anybody else ?
I've known two Hispanics named Santos which means saint in Spanish and no, they weren't saintly.
i was a younger dub at the time of this release, and stopped watching this movie near its beginning, when john cleese was stoned with the huge rock for saying jehovah.. this was despite having been (and continuing to be) a major john cleese (and monty python) fan.. any fans of this film?.
I never understood that joke.
The joke started with 'Pilate' mentioning that he had a friend name Biggus Dickus. The centurion had to control his laughter while Pilate was speaking. Realizing the discomfort of the centurion Pilate then mentioned his wife's name "Incontinentia Bottuck" to see if he would break down in laughter.
Biggus Dickus married to Incontinentia Bottuck = A big dick and a woman who cannot control her defecation presumably during anal sex..